Oracle 16 Speaks…

IMG_0857Hello and welcome to my blog!

I am a mother of two sons and run my own education consultancy. The education and well-being of young people have been my passion and business for nearly 30 years BUT for as long as I can remember, I have been telling  myself stories.

Poems, characters, tales and prose have been running riot in my head for years. The more I break my promise to tell these stories, the louder they pound and knock for expression. My biggest block has been dyslexia. Us dyslexics may have wonderful imaginations but along with it often comes a severe writing allergy. Pens, paper and the keyboard may as well be vampires! How incongruent is that? My writing incongruence lives beside a serious back up of narratives that need downloading. It is an emergency lol! If I don’t express or download now, I believe my mental health will pay. So, at the aged of 51, after years of artistic neglect, I have decided to bite the bullet and under-go the process of writing in the public arena, MY BLOG. Oracle16 is my writers name. My prime motivation to tell is because I thrive on soul connections. That all knowing, instinctual part of ourselves. I believe there is a lot to learn from this place.

My stories are weaved with meticulous care and embark on a long journey before they reach my consciousness. I believe we all, 7 billion of us, have the ability to tell amazing stories, we just cannot help ourselves, we tell to make meaning of our lives. I believe the moment we stop telling, we cease to be human. With this in mind, here are my humble offerings. As the months progress, my blog will grow in content as I express and download. More than anything else, I hope you will be inspired and use my stories and writing process to aid your own.

Warm regards and look forward to hearing from you.

Wendy Francis.


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